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История revolves around Polina, a young woman filled with hopes and dreams, especially centered around the magic of love and the festive season of New Year's. The narrative begins with Polina and her family in a flurry of preparations before her mother and grandmother depart for a trip. Their departure is momentarily delayed when a passport goes missing, only to be found later hidden within a book. This small crisis illustrates the family dynamic and the warmth they share. Additionally, the disappearance of a cherished New Year’s ornament adds to the excitement and anticipation, particularly for Polina, who harbors a profound belief in magic and miracles that the holiday promises. During their journey to the train station, Polina unexpectedly encounters an old classmate, Zoya. Their meeting brings back memories of school life, highlighting Zoya's past taunts and Polina's complex feelings about her former self and social status. Although Zoya's remarks provoke discomfort, Polina manages to maintain her composure, choosing to focus on her true emotions and the excitement she feels about her romantic interest — her boss Ivan, whom she is awaiting. Meanwhile, the story introduces Ivan, a young man whose father encourages him to consider Polina as a romantic prospect. The father's insistence comes from a place of belief in Polina's character, suggesting that she could be a suitable partner for his son. As Ivan reflects on a future with Polina, he visualizes spending New Year's together, mirroring the ideals of companionship he observes in cheerful boys he meets at a restaurant. This envisioning of a life together is solidified when Ivan purchases a bouquet of white roses for Polina, evoking joy and elation for both characters. Polina’s dreams of building a family with Ivan become more vibrant with each passing moment, indicating a blossoming romantic relationship fueled by genuine affection. Parallel to this personal narrative, the book weaves in the subplot involving Clara, a writer on a quest to find a woman named Natasha with the assistance of a detective. Their search meanders through neighborhoods, filled with fruitless inquiries until a chance encounter with an old woman, who, despite being somewhat tangential to their goal, brings warmth and depth to the story through her bond with a stray dog. The symbolic connection between the search for Natasha and the dog reflects themes of companionship and loyalty, enriching Clara's narrative with contemplation for her next literary project. Back in the office, Polina finds herself in an awkward predicament when her boss, Ivan Andreyevich, makes incorrect assumptions about her love life. He mistakenly believes that a classmate, Oleg Shchegolkov, is pursuing her, adding pressure and embarrassment for Polina as she struggles to clarify the misunderstanding. This office intrigue intertwines with the experiences of Clara, Polina's sister, who also grapples with her own romantic fantasies and unattained desires. Amidst this backdrop, the office gathers momentum with gossip, especially the attention from the chief accountant, Alla Eduardovna, and her friends, who eagerly speculate about Polina’s personal life. The culmination of these intertwined narratives takes place during a restaurant event where Polina, accompanied by Oleg for her own reasons, intends to listen to a detective’s report. Here, she opts for honesty over ambiguity, ordering green tea to responsibly navigate expectations and further relationships. Overall, the book explores intricate themes of love, friendship, and the courage to embrace authenticity in one's relationships amidst societal expectations. Polina stands as a symbol of hope not only for herself but also for those around her, striving for genuine connection and the magic of love as the New Year approaches. Each character contributes to this rich tapestry of human experience, challenging and supporting each other in their quests for happiness and fulfillment.